Results for 'Es ĒJī Vijēsiṃha'

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  1. Bauddha darśanayē paścāt saṃvardhanaya: mūlāśr̲aya vivaraṇayaki.Es ĒJī Vijēsiṃha - 2010 - Koḷamba: Samayavardhana Potgala Samāgama. Edited by Văvagedara Silakbandha.
    On the development of Buddhist philosophy after Buddha's exit from the world.
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  2. Truth and beauty.Es El Bhairappa - 1965 - Baroda,: Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda.
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    Gautama Buddha kā vaijñānika samāja darśana: ādhunika pariprekshya.Es El Siṃha Deva Nirmohī - 2021 - Naī Dillī: Krisenṭa Pabliśiṅga Kôraporeśana.
    On the life and philosophy of Gautama Buddha.
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  4. Nužnost i sloboda.Bogdan Šešić - 1963 - Beograd,: Kultura.
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    Minimizing prediction errors in predictive processing: from inconsistency to non-representationalism.Thomas van Es - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (5):997-1017.
    Predictive processing is an increasingly popular approach to cognition, perception and action. It says that the brain is essentially a hierarchical prediction machine. It is typically construed in a representationalist and inferentialist fashion so that the brain makes contentful inferences on the basis of representational models. In this paper, I argue that the predictive processing framework is inconsistent with this epistemic position. In particular, I argue that the combination of hierarchical modeling, contentful inferentialism and representationalism entail an internal inconsistency. Specifically, (...)
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    (1 other version)The Chances for Europe's Gamblers.Rob Es & Dirk Lindenbergh - 1992 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 1 (2):104-109.
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  7. Grub mthaʼ kun śes kyi rtsa ʼgrel.Stag-Tshaṅ Lo-Tsā-Ba ŚEs-Rab-Rin-Chen - 1999 - Pe-cin: Mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
    Explanatory notes on the philosophical position (sidhānta) of Vaibhāṣika, Sautrāntika, Yogācārya, and Mādhyamika schools of Buddhist with Hinduism according to Sa-skya-pa scholar.
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  8. Bstan bcos chen po dbu ma la ʼjug paʼi brjed byaṅ mthar ʼdzin tsha gduṅ sel baʼi zla baʼi ʼod zer źes bya ba bźugs so.Rje śEs-Rab-Rgya-Mtshos Mdzod - 2003 - In Thub-Bstan-Rgya-Mtsho (ed.), Dge baʼi bśes gñen chen po Dmu-dge Thub-bstan-rgya-mtsho sogs kyi gsuṅ rtsom phyogs bsgrigs bźugs so. Lan-chou: Kan-suʼu mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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    The political dimension: Added value for cross-cultural analysis. Nozawa and Smits, two ceos and their public statements. [REVIEW]Robert van Es & Thomas Pels - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (3):319-327.
    Work-related cultural differences, which were familiarized by scholars such as Hall and Hofstede, offer important concepts to help us understand various forms of cooperation and communication. However, the predominant focus of cultural analysis on collectivistic harmony prevents us from gaining an understanding of strategy and conflict. In an attempt to grasp how conflicts are handled, a political analysis can provide new insights. This is illustrated by a comparative study of two CEOs who gave public statements concerning management failure: Shouhei Nozawa (...)
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    Autism as Gradual Sensorimotor Difference: From Enactivism to Ethical Inclusion.Thomas van Es & Jo Bervoets - 2021 - Topoi 41 (2):395-407.
    Autism research is increasingly moving to a view centred around sensorimotor atypicalities instead of traditional, ethically problematical, views predicated on social-cognitive deficits. We explore how an enactivist approach to autism illuminates how social differences, stereotypically associated with autism, arise from such sensorimotor atypicalities. Indeed, in a state space description, this can be taken as a skewing of sensorimotor variables that influences social interaction and so also enculturation and habituation. We argue that this construal leads to autism being treated on a (...)
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    Sri Sankara, the poet.Vi Es Śarmmā - 2005 - Trivandrum: V.S. Sharma. Edited by Śaṅkarācārya.
    Study on the works of Sankaracarya; includes English translation of selected stotras of Sankaracarya.
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  12. Resumen de teoría general del arte.José Jordán de Urríes Y. Azara - 1930 - Madrid,: V. Suárez.
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    “Your friendly AI assistant”: the anthropomorphic self-representations of ChatGPT and its implications for imagining AI.Karin van Es & Dennis Nguyen - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    This study analyzes how ChatGPT portrays and describes itself, revealing misleading myths about AI technologies, specifically conversational agents based on large language models. This analysis allows for critical reflection on the potential harm these misconceptions may pose for public understanding of AI and related technologies. While previous research has explored AI discourses and representations more generally, few studies focus specifically on AI chatbots. To narrow this research gap, an experimental-qualitative investigation into auto-generated AI representations based on prompting was conducted. Over (...)
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  14. Satya mattu saundarya.Es El Bhairappa - 1966 - Hubbaḷḷi,: Sāhitya Bhaṇḍāra.
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    O homen, o sagrado e a arte.Fernando Guimarães - 2017 - Porto, Portugal: Universidade Católica Editora.
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  16. Dijalektički materijalizam.Bogdan Šešić - 1967 - Beograd: "Naučna knjiga,". Edited by Andrija B. Stojković.
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    Marksistička filozofija smisla.Bogdan Šešić - 1979 - Beograd: Naučna knjiga.
  18. Ri chos ṅes don rgya mtsho: a treatise on the philosophical basis and practice of Buddhist contemplation. ŚEs-Rab-Rgyal-Mtshan - 1976 - Gangtok: Dodrup Sangyey Lama.
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    (1 other version)On Being a Consultant in Business Ethics.Robert Es - 1993 - Business Ethics: A European Review 2 (4):228-232.
    What does it take to be a consultant in business ethics? Is the role of the ethical consultant like that of an engineer, a playwright or an interpreter? And where are the women consultants? The author is a scientific researcher in Ethics at Nijenrode, The Netherlands School of Business.
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  20. Grande lessico Del Nuovo testameimto.Docteur es Lettres - 1967 - Archives de Philosophie 30:157.
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    (2 other versions)Whistleblowing and media logic: a case study.Robert Es & Gerard Smit - 2003 - Business Ethics: A European Review 12 (2):144-150.
    Most analyses of whistleblowing are concerned with the whistleblower as an actor or with the act of whistleblowing itself. However, as soon as the whistleblower enters the public arena, a social dynamic emerges of interdependent actors with different responsibilities and different interests.Such a dynamic demands a more comprehensive approach in which the motives of the different actors in the public debate are taken into account.This approach is developed here using an exemplary case of whistleblowing that took place in a Dutch (...)
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    Grub mthaʼ.Stag-Tshaṅ Lo-Tsā-Ba ŚEs-Rab-Rin-Chen - 2004 - Pe-cin: Mtsho-sṅon mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ. Edited by Dbus-Pa Blo-Gsal.
    Collection of texts on philosophical positions (sidhānta) of Vaibhāṣika, Sautrāntika, Yogācārya, and Mādhyamika schools of Buddhism with Hindusim.
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  23. Grub mthaʼ kun śes nas mthaʼ bral grub pa źes bya baʼi bstan bcos rnam par bśad pa legs bśad kyi rgya mtsho.Stag-Tshaṅ Lo-Tsā-Ba ŚEs-Rab-Rin-Chen - 2004 - In Grub mthaʼ. Pe-cin: Mtsho-sṅon mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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  24. Skepticism and religious belief in A treatise of human nature.Lívia Guimarães - 2009 - In Maia Neto, José Raimundo, Gianni Paganini & John Christian Laursen (eds.), Skepticism in the modern age: building on the work of Richard Popkin. Boston: Brill.
  25. Filosofske osnove fizike.Bogdan Šešić - 1973 - Beograd: Društvo za istoriju i filozofiju matematičikh, prirodnih i tehničkih nauka.
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  26. Savremeni čovek i svet.Bogdan Šešić - 1969 - Beograd,: Zavod za izdavanje udžbenika Socijalističke Republike Srbije.
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  27. Textes inédits, années 1930.Traduction de L'allemand Selon des Textes Transcrits à Partir de MatéRiaux DictéEs Par Wittgenstein à Fr Waismann Et Pour M. Schlick éTablis Par Gordon Baker Avec le Concours de Brain Mcguinness - 1997 - In Ludwig Wittgenstein, Antonia Soulez & Gordon P. Baker (eds.), Dictées de Wittgenstein à Friedrich Waismann et pour Moritz Schlick. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
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  28. Ānvīkṣikīvimarśaḥ: Nyāyavaiśeṣikajainanyāyadvaitavedāntasambandhiśodhanibandhasaṅgrahaḥ.Gaṇeśīlāla Suthāra - 1991 - Jodhapura: Rukmiṇī Prakāśana.
    Research essays on Hindu and Jaina logic.
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    On being a consultant in business ethics.Robert van Es - 1993 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 2 (4):228–232.
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    Between pebbles and organisms: weaving autonomy into the Markov blanket.Thomas van Es & Michael D. Kirchhoff - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6623-6644.
    The free energy principle is sometimes put forward as accounting for biological self-organization and cognition. It states that for a system to maintain non-equilibrium steady-state with its environment it can be described as minimising its free energy. It is said to be entirely scale-free, applying to anything from particles to organisms, and interactive machines, spanning from the abiotic to the biotic. Because the FEP is so general in its application, one might wonder whether this framework can capture anything specific to (...)
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  31. Řeči a naučení hlubokých mudrců.Jan Češka - 1982 - Praha: Odeon.
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  32. Heidegger e a excelência da questão do ser.Carlos Roberto Guimarães - 2014 - In Antonio Balbino Marçal Lima & Sanqueilo de Lima Santos (eds.), Ensaios sobre fenomenologia: Husserl, Heidegger e Merleau-Ponty. Ilhéus, Bahia: Editus-Editora da UESC.
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  33. Oraḥ mesharim:...pisḳe ṿe-sidur halakhot, mi-Miḳra ṿe-divre ḥakhamenu nismaḥot...ṿe-horaʼotehem mevoʼarot..Menaḥem ben Avraham Ṭriṿeś - 1968 - Jerusalem: M. Ḳliman.
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    A universal ethology challenge to the free energy principle: species of inference and good regulators.Thomas van Es & Michael D. Kirchhoff - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (2):1-24.
    The free energy principle (FEP) portends to provide a unifying principle for the biological and cognitive sciences. It states that for a system to maintain non-equilibrium steady-state with its environment it must minimise its (information-theoretic) free energy. Under the FEP, to minimise free energy is equivalent to engaging in approximate Bayesian inference. According to the FEP, therefore, inference is at the explanatory base of biology and cognition. In this paper, we discuss a specific challenge to this inferential formulation of adaptive (...)
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  35. Fundando la educaión: San Agustín y Santo Tomás.Es Andrade - 1996 - Sapientia 51 (199):29-40.
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  36. Apresentação.Fernanda Guimarães - 2021 - In Edna Silva & Silvia Paes Barreto (eds.), Anísio, Anísios Teixeira: um educador no Museu do Homem do Nordeste. Recife, PE: Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, Editora Massangana.
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  37. Part six: Hume. Skepticism and religious belief in A treatise of human nature.Lívia Guimarães - 2009 - In Maia Neto, José Raimundo, Gianni Paganini & John Christian Laursen (eds.), Skepticism in the modern age: building on the work of Richard Popkin. Boston: Brill.
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    Razvoj i savremeni problemi filozofije marksizma.Bogdan Šešić - 1976 - Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva.
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    Jainism from the view point of Vedāntic Ācāryas: with special reference to Nimbārka, Śaṅkara, and Rāmānuja.Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī - 2003 - Ahmedabad: B.J. Institute of Learning & Research.
    Lectures based on the commentaries on Brahmasūtra of Bādarāyaṇa.
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  40. A chance to change policy for the better.Rob van Es & Dirk Lindenbergh - 2001 - In Alan R. Malachowski (ed.), Business ethics: critical perspectives on business and management. New York: Routledge. pp. 178.
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  41. Evidence for multiple processing stages involved in colour judgments under changing illumination.J. van Es, T. Vladusich, R. van den Berg & F. W. Cornelissen - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 66-66.
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    The Dialogical Turn of Public Relation Ethics.Robert van Es & Tiemo Meijlink - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (1/2):69 - 77.
    The ethics of Public Relations is changing: the pragmatical approach is giving way to the dialogical approach. Pragmatical PR Ethics concentrates on issues and cases and hardly has a conceptual core. Dialogical PR Ethics concentrates on procedures and structures and uses symmetric communication as its core concept. Both approaches of PR ethics have their strong and weak points. A metaethical framework is presented to combine both approaches.
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    Whistleblowing and media logic: A case study.Robert van Es & Gerard Smit - 2003 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 12 (2):144–150.
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  44. Improving deficiencies : historical, anthropological, and ethical aspects of the human condition.Christina Schües - 2014 - In Miriam Eilers, Katrin Grüber & Christoph Rehmann-Sutter (eds.), The human enhancement debate and disability: new bodies for a better life. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  45. Modality-specific and amodal aspects of object perception in infancy.Es Spelke, A. Streri, Ga Vandewalle & E. Rameix - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):468-468.
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    Mīmāṃsāśāstrapraveśinī.Śrīrāma E. Es - 2019 - Tirupatiḥ, Āndhrapradeśaḥ: Rāṣṭriyasaṃskr̥tavidyāpīṭham, Tirupati. Edited by V. Muralidhara Sharma & K. E. Devanathan.
    Exhaustive work on fundamentals of Mimamsa philosophy.
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  47. Impossible to speak of reason in the midst of the sea" : Thomas Bernhard's Immanuel Kant.Cornelia Eşianu - 2017 - In Brigitte Buchhammer & Herta Nagl-Docekal (eds.), Lernen, Mensch zu sein: Beiträge des 2. Symposiums der SWIP Austria. Wien: Lit.
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    Introdução à hermenêutica.Rui Magalhães - 2003 - [Coimbra]: Angelus Novus Editora.
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  49. Myth-Criticism and Myth-Analysis of Warrior Education in Literary Works: From The Iliad to The Bridge Over the River Kwai.Suzana Marly da Costa Magalhães - 2022 - In Daniela Schmitz Wortmeyer (ed.), Deep loyalties: values in military lives. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
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    Spreken over God: letterlijk of figuurlijk?: Analogie en metafoor in het spreken over God.Justinus Johannes van Es - 1979 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
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